Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kenyan Safari

Visiting Amboseli National Park and Lake Nakuru National Park in August 2011 were unforgettable experiences. Seeing all the majestic animals roam the land freely, without chains and cages, now that was a real thrill. I first experienced it when I went whale watching in Cape Cod and this time around I felt it in a stronger way. Hundreds of elephants and other animals ambling about, free to do as they please and go where they want. Peaceful co-habitation. Freedom.


Majestic Tembo

Splendid Sunset

Wildebeest at Twilight

Full set of pictures here.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Giraffe Centre

The Giraffe Centre in Nairobi, Kenya was started to protect the endangered Rothschild giraffe and to help breed it in captivity. The program has been very successful.

It is a wonderful place to interact with giraffes from a raised platform. Not only do you get to observe them at very close quarters but you are also allowed to feed the giraffes little treats made from molasses by hand! They seem to love them enough to play a game of tennis-watch for them. See for yourself:

It's surreal being so close to so many of these tall beauties. I learned that they are intelligent creatures, they actually respond to their names!

Most intriguing however, was the fact that their saliva is so antiseptic that their mouths are perpetually clean. In fact, they eat leaves from the thorny acacia since the thorn wounds heal rapidly owing to the antispectic nature of the saliva!

Here are some pictures from our trip there. You will also see some happy warthogs who enjoy the treats that the giraffes drop.

Giraffe Centre